See what you can’t see with Angular Velocity’s Specto Solutions

It all starts with a dream.... and we saw it...

We are ready to invite you into our dreams where we can win together.

We have done the big part, now it is time to roll out... Join us...Industry trends and customer expectations are asking for the computation motion everywhere, fed by mobile devices and sensors, managed in creative forms of information and knowledge and then served to businesses and consumers in the form of social networks, video, data analysis, and a thousand other innovative services.

Consumption is continuously monitored and adjusted, in a seemingly endless and ever growing feedback loop. Now it is our time to close this loop with our technology to serve for the sports and spectators with an unmatched experience and mutual satisfaction. We dreamed of convincing the demands of the most complex ecosystem of sports industry and very happy to see and hear that we are on right track…

Come walk this road with us.